Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Day 4

Day 4

Over the weekend, all solutions of the Iron Nails have turned a darker orange/light brown of solution with plenty of rust evident all the nails and in the sodium chloride solution. The only minor difference is that more rust is evident in the nails and solutions of  certain concentrations than others

The solutions and nails with the 0.65M concentration appears to have a little more rust than the other concentrations. Also as expected, the nails and solutions with the 0.85M solution did not rust faster than the other concentrations solely due to the fact that it had the highest concentration of salt. It was spotted to have roughly the same amount of rust as the nails and solutions of the 0.45M and also possibly the 0.25M solutions as well. The iron nails and solutions of the 0M concentrations although not by much, was spotted to have the least amount of rust. 

Solutions have turned a browner orange indicating the some iron Fe2+ has rusted into Fe3+ 

Comparison between the rusting of a nail in a 0.45M solution and a nail in 0.85M solution: So far it looks to have rusted the same amount which so far is verifying the hypothesis

Comparison of the Rusting between a nail immersed in O.65M of Salt and 0M of Salt
The nail on the left (0.65M) can be spotted to have rusted slightly more than the nail in 0M

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